Blessed Publications
Uplift. Encourage. Motivate. Educate
Published Books
We are excited to showcase several of our author's published books. We thank the authors for trusting us with their manuscripts. Blessed Publications helps you to self-publish.
In A Moment, In A Instant-
Isaiah's Return To The Father
Know that you can find freedom. You don’t have to stay the way you are and be held captive by the enemy of your soul. There is freedom in your identity. Many of us don’t understand who we really are because the enemy and others have said things about us that did not line up with what God said. Remember that Jesus wants all of us to be free. It’s not too late! This is not the end for you. Let freedom ring in each and every area of your life!
Triumph Over Tragedy
In writing this book, it is my sincere desire that you be encouraged and strengthened as you face the daily challenges of life. It is my prayer that you know that what God has done for me, He will also do for you. For God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).
I Am Stem
Enjoy the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) as you solve puzzles, color, and do word searches while learning about great black women in STEM. Meet inventors, astronauts, scientists, and other historical women who have paved the way for everything we have and know in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Now is the time to develop a greater understanding of spiritual warfare. In this book, Apostle William Whitfield provides insights into double mindedness, the laws of God and the stages of demonic possession. Hear what the Lord God Almighty is saying in these pages and walk away with another level of knowledge in your fight against Lucifer’s kingdom.
I'm Not Ok
Are you and your child dealing with the loss of a loved one? Our “I’m Not Ok” resources were created with you in mind. These books tell the story of a family trying to cope with the death of their patriarch from the perspective of the child and the mother. Use these books as a tool to show your loved ones that it’s okay to not be okay.
With God's Help, You Got This!
Have you ever been through a situation in your life where you felt like you couldn't make it? If so, you are not alone. Many children have had this experience. When this happens, we need to call on God. This devotional will ask thought-provoking questions to assist you with your prayers. Inside this book are the ACTS method for praying, a sample prayer, and different scenarios on when you should pray. There are encouraging scriptures that will uplift you during troubling times. Please know that with God's help, You Got This!